Tuesday, March 21, 2006

long, busy day

It was a long and busy day at work today, but at least I got a lot accomplished. Mondays always start out fairly dull. I pick up the money out of the parking lot meter on Sunday morning, and it has to be unraveled, counted, and taken to the bank. Patrons have to fold up the bills to slip them in the little slots, and it takes well over an hour to do the weekend count, which is usually somewhere in the $800 - $1000 range, almost all in ones and fives. And by the time that is done, it is time to get the money out for Monday. So usually, it is almost 11 and all I have done is gotten money from the parking lot to the bank. On the other hand, it is kind of nice to ease into the week with a pretty brainless task. And it is work that has to be done, so it may as well be me, I guess.

But then there were plenty of checks to print, have signed and mailed, the contributions to enter, random accounting questions to deal with. I helped Joe get ready for the finance committee meeting tonight. Usual stuff, but a long day, especially when it is capped off by a meeting like this one.

And now, since I seem to have been posting a lot of lyrics lately ......

Everybody Likes a celebration
Happy music and conversation
I'd be lying if I said I didn't have the blues
In the corner there's a couple dancing
From the kitchen I can hear them laughing
Oh I wish I was celebrating too

I know this night won't last forever
I know the sun is gonna shine sometime
I need some hope for a bright tomorrow
And I know this heart is gonna mend just fine


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