Thursday, October 06, 2005

field trip tomorrow

Katie makes her first field trip as a kindergardner tomorrow. I don't know where they are going; it was on the permission form, but I just can't remember. But she has to take a sack lunch - and it has to be in the sack and not in a lunchbox for some reason. Tonight we went to the fundraiser at Cici's Pizza. Basically, we write the teacher's name on the receipt and put it in the Royal Ridge jar and they kick back some money to the PTA. Katie loves doing this because all of us crazy kinder parents aren't jaded yet and so we do this kind of crap. And so there are her little friends all over the place. By next year, we will say forget it, there are too many noisy kids there, and I want some quiet, dammit.

I miss catching my little nap before I pick up Katie in the afternoons. It always cleared my head and I was just better prepared for the evening. Oh well. I guess I can get one tomorrow as I will likely only work until noon or so.


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10/06/2005 6:50 PM  

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