Monday, October 03, 2005

Communion Prayer

Here is the communion prayer, with the leader first and the people in response:

What do you bring to God's table?

We bring bread, made by many people's work from an unjust world where some have plenty but many go hungry.

At this table, all are fed, and noone is turned away.

Welcome to God's table, where all stand in the same bread line!

What do you bring to Christ's table?

We bring wine, made by many people's work from an unjust world where some have leisure and most struggle to survive.

At this table all share the same cup of pain and forgiveness.

Since we are all God's children, noone is denied.

These gifts shall be for us the signs of Christ within us and around us, filling us and setting us free.

Our eating is a witness against hunger, our cry against injustice, and our hope for a world where God is full known.



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