Wednesday, October 05, 2005

first day of work

It was fun to be back at work in a real job. It was great to be surrounded by people I like and who like me, hard as that may be to believe. It is not the most thrilling work, but I believe in the work of this church, and I can pitch in here, and I can do so while paying bills, which is a nice combination. And hopefully can improve the position and the way things are done in the accounting department there so that things are more seamless in the future.

Katie had a big day; she got to ride the bus home with Felicia today, which is always a big deal. And we got her a Halloween costume (an angel, and she is adorable in it, of course.) We got a birthday present for Josephine, a week from Saturday at Chuck E Cheese. (Yikes!) And she got her school pictures, which are amazing, though she looks about ten years old in them. My goodness she is growing up fast. So we took the pictures and the costume over to my parents' house for some modeling, and she was happy to do that, and then she played with her pal across the way here for a half hour before bed, and she was so exhausted she fell asleep in ten minutes.

As for me, I will be asleep in ten myself.


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