Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Came in 6th in the poker tourney tonight - top five pay. I got off to a good start, and had the chip lead while we were around 18 players or so, but couldn't make much happen after that. I was short-stacked in the end game - me and one other player were close to being eliminated, and she had her big blind folded back to her, so when the blinds came to me I would be the short stack. I got my money in with a pair against two overs, and it hit, and I was out in sixth. I could have waited for just a couple hands, but blinds were 300 and 600 and I was down to just 1400 in chips, with two hands before the blinds. If my trey's stand up, then I am back up to about 3500 thanks to picking up the blinds and the call, and then I can wait out the player who was lower.

Nothing more frustrating than playing for an hour and finishing one spot out of the money. Oh well. Now to bed.

Oh, and this just in, the White Sox suck.


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