Sunday, August 21, 2005

Royals win!

For the first time since my birthday, the Royals win a game. Oakland missed about fourteen opportunities to tie or take the lead. The Royals played like crap, but somehow enough bounced their way to avoid the 20th loss in a row. Can it really be a good sign when players are hiding their eyes in their sweatshirts when the closer takes the hill? I didn't think so.

Two things happen every August, like clockwork. The Royals are mathematically eliminated from play-off competition, and TMQ returns. For those of you who have never read Tuesday Morning Quarterback, you simply do not know what you are missing. Gregg Easterbrook is my hero - writer for The New Republic, author of several entertaining and insightful books - I especially like Beside Still Waters and both of his novels. TMQ is about the NFL, but that is like saying Bull Durham is about baseball. I mean, someone else come up with a sports column that could salute the giant Gambian pouched rat of Mozambique and people don't bat an eye.

TMQ is simply a must read for all sports fans. Easterbrook's stuff at TNR is a must read for anyone wishing to converse intelligently on basically anything. He is a unique mind and a fabulous wit. Tuesday afternoons will never be the same.


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