Thursday, August 18, 2005

thank goodness for friends

It is a quiet night here for now. I will need to pick up a little bit once Katie goes to sleep, and as I am typing this one of the cats is barfing on the carpet. At least it is the ugly carpet in the kitchen and dining room, where really, cat vomit is an improvement. Except, of course, for the smell. So I will go take care of that.

Anyway, Katie is over playing with her friend Brianne across the street. (It is a townhouse community, so street isn't exactly right, but whatever.) The two of them play so beautifully together, and Katie has such fun, and I get a free hour or so to watch baseball, read, whatever.

I continue to be delighted by The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana. After reading the Harry Potter series for a couple of weeks, where a book takes a day and a half, this book seems to be taking forever. But I am writing more this last couple of weeks, and it is just tougher sledding. But so far the book is delightful, and I would recommend it to anyone. Definitely Eco's best work, IMH(BC)O, since Foucault's Pendulum and The Name of the Rose.

And then I don't know what I will read next. I just found out Eco wrote a postscript to the name of the rose, and so if it is here, I guess I will read the whole combo. I ordered it from a used bookseller attached to Barnes & Noble. You just never know when things will show up from there.

Well, it is 6:05, so that means first pitches for east coast games. And I have the promise of an hour without cartoons, and I plan to enjoy it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tennis, Tara, and trailer parks: What's on tonight
The Travel Channel has something called Millionaire Trailer Parks at 7pm. Sounds interesting ... Hallmark has the second ever Columbo flick, Ransom For A Dead Man, at 9.
I agree with you...

I have a blog that pretty much covers hip hop rap sample related stuff.

Come visit if you get time :-)

8/18/2005 6:26 PM  

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