Thursday, August 18, 2005

the blahs

I think the emotion of the week finally caught up with me yesterday. I just felt blah all day long. The change to my schedule is tough - I am having to get up 2 hours earlier than usual to be able to get Katie to school on time. Katie is still enjoying the heck out of her schedule, but even sleeping from 8:15 or so until 6:30, she is still tired in the mornings. Do I have to ratchet her back to 7:30? My goodness.

I feel like such a player all of a sudden. It is not something I want to feel like, and yet, there it is. Michelle called the other day; she has been sick and had her class reunion and other stuff like that, and so it has been over three weeks since we have seen each other, but I think we will meet for lunch this afternoon. The dynamic will be different today, though. In the previous times we have gotten together, there hasn't been anyone else I was interested in. But that is way different now.

Hopefully Cathy will come over tonight - she leaves for a two week business trip tomorrow. And then there are two e-harmony women that I am in open communication with that are both interesting. Amy is the Trinity grad and the Spurs fan and it seems like we each want the same kind of lifestyle. Whether there would be any chemistry or not is an open question. And there is also Julie, who lives in Buda, just south of Austin. That distance I think will ultimately be the undoing there. And there is also the fact that she hasn't dated at all since her divorce, though it has been long enough to not be terrifying. But I know how stupid I was about the whole dating thing the first couple of times out.

So there is the biggest surprise of the new millenium: Curtis, player. Whatever.

But now I must get Katie delivered to school for day four of the kindergarden project. Hopefully we will get more adjusted to this schedule in the days ahead.


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