Friday, August 26, 2005

another silly reason

Ok, reason number two is another silly one - she made a great Grim Reaper for Trivial Pursuit games.

We had a couple of friends that loved playing Trivial Pursuit in Florida, and I do, too. But Becky hated it. She didn't have time for anything trivial. And so we made up our own version of the game in which Becky didn't play, but she just sat nearby and worked on whatever blanket she was crocheting. She had fun because she was participating in the conversation, hanging out with friends, or whatever. And she got to be the Grim Reaper, meaning anytime you had a question and she answered it correctly before you, you would lose your turn. Now, this would only happen a couple of times per game because she really didn't care at all about the game. But it was always funny when it did.


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