Wednesday, August 23, 2006

my next crush

In an hour, I am off to meet the next woman I am going to have a massive crush on. I just got a call from Katie's first grade teacher, who Katie adores eight days into the school year, to tell me that she is moving into a new classroom because they have brought a new teacher into the school because of the number of children.

So as she is describing the teacher, she says something about her being cute and whatever, and so I jokingly ask, "Single?" and she said yes, been divorced about a year, strawberry blonde, and I basically don't remember a thing about that.

I think pretty much all of us widowed parents develop a crush on our children's teachers if they are the right gender. The fastest way for a woman to crash into my heart is by loving on Katie just a little, and since by any objective measure Katie is the greatest first grader in the world - just ask me - she will get along famously with a teacher who will immediately love her.

First grade parent orientation starts in 45 minutes. Should I go get flowers or would that be too forward? I am off to shave ....


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