Wednesday, April 19, 2006

a big day

It has been quite a day.

Since I am headed to Vermont first thing in the morning, I had a ton of work to do so that the place can survive without me for a couple of days. Ha ha ha. One of the most interesting things in the book about the Ten Commandments we just did for Sunday school was that sabbath is a testimony of faith. Sabbath acknowledges that God is in charge and that the world will not go to hell because we don't work for a day. So I am sabbathing for four days this week.

I listened to Great Big Sea at work today, annoyingly singing along with all of the songs. So people knew I was in a joyful mood all day. I got a ton of work done, so all will be well until Monday I am sure. Not that there was much doubt before this.

My boss took me out to lunch today and told me he is likely going to be quitting his job during the summer. So it seems very likely I am going to be the business manager of the church and Corazon Ministries within the next couple of months. I think I have found someone to take over my job already, so that is a good sign. She is a great gal and her strengths match my weaknesses, so I think we would make a good team. She is very detail-oriented, very organized, works well with the people she will be involved with. The last one I am okay with, but the others, not so much. I may be an accountant, but I have basically none of the ordinary accounting traits.

But the good news financially is that this will be a big enough raise that I don't have to worry about pulling money out of savings on a regular basis. My budget works fine, but then when property taxes or insurance comes due, then I need to pull money out of savings. It has been less than I have made in my investments so far, but it would be nice to let that money grow and not need it.

Oh, and the day of Katie's baptism is set for May 14 - Mother's Day - at the 11:00 service. All are welcome.


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