Thursday, January 19, 2006

sorry for not posting much

Sorry to you loyal readers - ha - that I haven't been posting much this week. I am busy with work stuff - we had to get our budget passed finally this week and then catching up with that. And I have been working on my book again for the first time in a while. The Parker Palmer quote started me thinking along a new vein, and so that has occupied my free time recently.

I went to see Rumor Has It with Alisa last Friday night while Katie spent the night with my parents. The movie is delightful; it is a Rob Reiner film, what else needs to be said? The idea is clever, there is a moral to the story and you are laughing and relaxed for two hours. It didn't change the world, but it was fun.

I am headed on the men's retreat at church this weekend. That should be fun. It is just tomorrow night until about noon on Saturday, which is a solid amount of time. I know last year though I felt like it was just getting going when it was time to go. Katie is spending the night at a friend's house from church, and they are both so excited they can barely walk. So I hope they have a good time.


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