Saturday, August 13, 2005

Yes, I am a sap

But I got teary-eyed tonight watching the 1985 Royals being introduced to the fans in Kansas City. The game was rained out; the tarp covered the field, but they brought back all of the players from the team except for a couple who had other professional obligations, most notably Steve Balboni and Hal McRae, two of the greats.

The widows of Dan Quisenbury and Dick Howser threw out the first pitches, and only pitches I guess since the game was canceled. Both men died far too young, both from brain tumors as I recall.

But it was a special moment for me, remembering being 13 years old and the team finally climbing that mountain and making it to the pinnacle. George Brett should have been the AL MVP that season; it was by far his best season of a Hall of Fame career, and only New York media bias gave it to Don Mattingly.

Before the game, I tried to list the 25 men on the play-off roster that year, and only missed reliever Steve Farr.

I don't know if the Royals sold their souls for the bad call in game six - which did not cost the series to the Cardinals near as much as the passed ball and dropped popup by Jack Clark - but they have not so much as been to the play-offs in the 20 years since. But it was worth it.


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