Friday, August 12, 2005

thanks for the feedback

Thanks for the comments, even you yawner and especially you who shot down the yawner. I guess there will probably be plenty that is pseudo-intellectual here, but not a cynical rant. I am simply not a cynic. For me, whining about whatever silliness is happening in Washington wouldn't be true to me. Harry Chapin wrote a song about a young folk singer, and in it he said, "Though he'd rather have a milkshake he keeps forcing down the beer." Well, I am content with my milkshake. Thanks.

If you do want me to get charged up about something political, let's talk about why we don't have public bathrooms in downtown San Antonio. For crying out loud, people have to urinate and defecate, and if the homeless aren't allowed a place to do so with dignity, it does not mean they will not do those things. We could have privately financed public bathrooms - surely we can get companies to advertise on them - and make downtown a more sanitary area, provide a service to the homeless and the tourist, and increase the dignity of the most marginalized of our citizens.

So there is my one taste of beer today, I guess. And now I will have a milkshake with lunch. And maybe, just maybe, some smooches for dessert. A man can hope, certainly.


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