Monday, December 04, 2006


Tonight we went to the Child Bereavement Center for the last time in 2006, and so they had a holiday party. The children wrapped intangible presents (i.e., empty boxes) to remind them of all the gifts they received from their departed parents that they could never lose. I am really looking forward to what Katie has to say when we open this on Christmas.

The adults wrote letters to the children about the gifts they received from their spouse. Here is my letter to Katie:

Dear Katie,
I am thinking tonight of all the ways you remind me of Mommy. You look like her, with her eyes and hair in particular. More and more, you move like her. I noticed this when you got your glasses, and your bangs got caught between your eyes and glasses. You flicked your hair the exact same way Mommy used to. You love to read just like she did, and I am looking forward to reading with you the books that she loved when she was just a little older than you are now, like the Wizard of Oz books and the Little House on the Prairie books. And you love to help others the way Mommy did, and enjoy their success just as much as your own. To me, you are a little monument of Becky.

Online Poker

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This Online Poker Tournament is a No Limit Texas Holdem event exclusive to Bloggers.

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