Monday, November 07, 2005

thoughts on stuff

The Chiefs picked up a big win yesterday, and I have been surprised by the outpouring of amazement that they went for the win in the final seconds of the game. If you didn't see it, the Chiefs made it to the one yard line with five seconds left and no timeouts down by a score of 23-20. So they could have kicked the field goal and sent the game to overtime. Instead, they left the offense on the field, and Larry Johnson followed tackle Will Shields, tight end Jason Dunn and fullback Tony Richardson right up the gut and into the end zone, and the Chiefs won 27-23.

People were talking about how courageous a choice it was to go for the score, but the simple fact of the matter is that it is logical. The field goal is roughly a 99% proposition. It was a closer kick even than an extra point. But overtime is essentially a 50/50 proposition. Meanwhile, on your home field, you should be a 70% favorite to bust it in from a yard, especially when you can run behind Shields and company.

Maybe it was courageous. I don't think that near as much as I think it insightful and well thought out. Which in the waning moments and with such adrenaline and intensity, is tough enough.


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