Thursday, November 03, 2005


Just in case you missed it, e-mails from former FEMA director Michael Brown during and immediately after Katrina. The best story on this I have seen is at the New York Times. I don't know if registration is required there or not. also had a good story with the same details.

In an e-mail message sent on Aug. 29, the day the hurricane struck, Mr. Brown exchanged messages about his attire with Cindy Taylor, deputy director of public affairs at the agency, according to the report. "My eyes must be deceiving me," Ms. Taylor wrote to him, apparently referring to public appearances he had made. "You look fabulous--and I'm not talking about the makeup." Mr. Brown, in turn, responded: "I got it at Nordstroms. ... Are you proud of me?" An hour later, he added: "If you'll look at my lovely FEMA attire you'll really vomit. I am a fashion god." Democrats said that Mr. Brown also found time to e-mail his assistant to inquire about a sitter for his dog. "Do you know of anyone who dog-sits," he wrote on Aug. 30, the day after the hurricane struck. "If you know of any responsible kids, let me know. They can have the house to themselves Th-Su." In another instance, on Aug. 29, he sent Ms. Taylor a message that Democrats said suggested he was overwhelmed. "Can I quit now," he wrote. "Can I come home?" A few days later, he wrote a similar message to an acquaintance, saying, "I am trapped now, please rescue me."

This presidency is the biggest failure of government in the history of this country. There is no bread? Let them eat cake.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "biggest failure of government in the history of this country"? that a fact or an opinion? How does it stack up against the Carter and Johnson presidencies? They could neither get reelected.
If the Democrats had sense enough to nominate almost anyone other than Al Gore and John Kerry we could possibly be blaming a Democrat for everything that's wrong in the world. My God, look at the choices the Democrats have given their voters in the last 2 elections. It's almost as if they intentionally nominated losers.

11/03/2005 8:20 PM  
Blogger Curtis Ruder said...

Let's look at the record of the Bush administration:

They took a once in a lifetime opportunity to pay off the national debt - remember those campaign promises where he showed four dollars, one to pay off the debt, one to fix social security, and two for tax relief?. Well instead, he gave the rich the $9 tax cut. He talked about it being the people's money. Well, at the time maybe it was. Now it is our greatgrandchildren's money he is burning through. Domestic spending has increased by 34.7% per year in the Bush years - excluding the military - much larger than any president since FDR, who was battling fascism and the great depression simultaneously.

Grade: F

War with Iraq: His administration lied about the weapons of mass destruction, intimidated the intelligence community into making statements they knew were very unlikely to be true. He proclaimed victory when maybe 10% of the work was done. He blew the sympathy America had after 9-11 with his refusal to even listen to the voices of the world. He rejected thousands of years of morality and invoked God in his preemptive war; his messianic zeal is both blasphemous and dangerous, and the United States is alone in the world unlike anytime since the Great Depression.

Grade: F.

How about the torturing of prisoners? His administration sanctioned using Saddam's own dungeons to conduct torture. Used the old Soviet lairs as well as Eastern Europeans ones. So much for the moral high ground.

Grade: F

And then there is Katrina. Bush fiddled while New Orleans drowned. He appointed a series of country club hacks with no interest in governing to important posts throughout government.

Grade: F

11/04/2005 8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe I am missing something. Rich people need tax cuts. I mean, sure they make a lot of money, but they spend a lot of money. How can they spend all that money if they are constantly being taxed? And why should the morally superior, hard working rich people be punished with higher taxes to support uneducated bums or the elderly or mentally ill? How are the elderly and mentally ill contributing to society? It's like Jesus taught us "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Nobody in history drank more lemonade than Jesus.

11/04/2005 11:01 AM  

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