Sunday, May 28, 2006

a long day

But a fun one. The church picnic was cancelled today, which made us very sad. Katie and I were to be in charge of the karaoke, and she cried big tears when she found out that she wouldn't be going to the picnic. And so Deno and Cindy hastily arranged a little barbecue and Cindy's house. And we had a lot of fun. (And Deno intimated to me she thought the 22 year old Trinity grad - who has totally cute - was flirting with me). We did some karaoke singing - Katie had a blast, and Deno, who was unsure about this whole thing, got into it with aplomb. And we grilled some hotdogs and had some pasta salad and fruit, and then as it wound down watched a movie. It was very nice, and it was the first time since Cindy and I had had some tension in our relationship that it was clear to everyone that we had resolved it all.

So it was all good.

Sunday school was pretty awesome this morning. I might have to crack the whip a little to get everyone there on time. But it was a good crew and Deno and Cindy seemed to have taken hold of the project to beautify the room, so that is good, too. The discussion is still a little slow, but I think as people warm up to each other that it will grow as well. We are going to go see Da Vinci Code as a group on Wednesday night and then discuss it in class in two weeks. It may be a relatively small crowd this week because several of the people are going to be out camping and the like this week. So I need to do an extra good job of contacting everyone who will be in town so that those who are around do show up.

And now to finish some work before bed.....


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