Saturday, February 18, 2006

a little blogging before bed

Not much to report. Katie is feeling better after her stomach bug, though she ran out of gas something fierce tonight about 7:00. So she is still not quite herself, but she is doing well.

I fired up the e-harmony account again this week for the first time in six months, and within a week have a couple very promising prospects. Who knows?

I just finished playing in this $2 tourney at Poker Stars with some 2000 people in it. I managed to come in 53rd. A key hand down the stretch killed me. I had AQ and got my money all-in before the flop against KJ, so I am a solid favorite. Not quite 3:2, but solid anyway. And I think you have to win some hands like this in order to really move into the top places. My stack was at about 35K, just a hair below average with blinds at 1500 and 3000. The KJ dude had about 28K, so when he hit his jack I was pretty much wiped out, especially with the blinds a couple hands away. I was happy to pick up KT under the gun and move in with that, had two callers, so a win would have put me back over 20K and not in desperate straights. Flop came JTx, not bad for me, and they both bet. Next card was a K giving me two pair and I was really hopeful. But the second caller had TT and I was basically dead to running kings though I didn't know it.

If I win the big hand, I am up over 60K and in the top 20 in chip position and have a chance to win some real money. As it was, I won $9 or so, which is quadruple my investment, so what the heck.

And now I am going to read some more of the Irving novel I started last night, and then I am headed to bed.


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